Pine & Mint Headache Balm

Pine & Mint Headache Relief Balm:
Uses: To relieve tension headaches

My Mom and I get headaches quite often. I usually get 2-3 a week and became tired of taking aspirin, thus beginning my initial journey to herbal remedies. 

This Balm is great! My headaches will typically go away within 15-20 minutes after applying to my temples. 
However, for me, this does not work for my migraines.

First you will need to infuse your carrier oil with Pine & Mint.
Make sure your herbs have not been sprayed. For my Oil I used fresh Pine Needles and Mint Leaves. 

If you're not too familiar with infusing oil here is my "How To:"

Now to make the Balm, to make a 2 oz container, use 1/4 cup Pine & Mint oil. Start off with 1/2 tablespoon of beeswax, keep adding until you have your desired consistency. I end up using 2 tbsp. This balm is best firmer, it makes it easier to spread onto your temples and does not get everywhere. However, if you wish to have this more like a salve, use 1 tablespoons of beeswax. 
If you don't really care for the smell, you can add few drops of essential oils.

Fill up your pot with enough water to cover half of your jar. Measure out your oil and then add in your beeswax and melt. Stirring occasionally. Once completely melted, remove from heat and stir in essential oils if you wish. Pour into your desired container/s let cool before putting your lids on. 

Helpful Tip:
Store your Balm into chap-stick tubes for easier application!

Store out of direct sunlight for a longer shelf life. The shelf life is probably between 6-12 months.

*Not approved by the FDA
*Use at your own risk!


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